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Natashia Ogunyemi




Blogger | Content Creator 📍Shreveport based creating content around Lifestyle, Motherhood, Marriage ABOUT ME: 🥂I share my life story and experiences so everyday women - moms and wives - that it’s acceptable and okay not to have our busy life all together. 🥂 Married with 3 kids 🥂 Specialist Degree in Educational Leadership 🥂 High School Master Teacher 💰Collaborations ✨ Disney ✨ Crayola ✨ Soma ✨ Dove ✨ Sonic ✨ Oxyfresh ✨ Mapiful ✨ Trust & Will ✨ TruColour Bandages ✨ Dunkin Donuts Connect with me: 💌 [email protected] 🗣Ping me to moderate, host, or join any room that encourages collaboration, shares marriage tips, and offers parental hacks.